Our Pastor
Rev. Rod Benkendorf Email Pastor cell (314)704-8202
Rev. Rod Benkendorf
Rev. Rod A. Benkendorf was born in Southern California in January 1969 and grew up at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Orange, CA. He attended Lutheran grade school at Immanuel and was confirmed on Palm Sunday, 1983. He attended Lutheran High School of Orange County and graduated in 1987. Rev. Benkendorf left the big city to go to college at Concordia Teachers' College Seward, NE. He graduated from Seward in 1991 with a B.S. Ed (double major in mathematics) and a Lutheran Teaching Degree. While at Seward, he met Sarah Honig (Peoria, IL) who graduated with a B.S. Ed (double major in mathematics) and a Lutheran Teaching Degree. After Sarah graduated in 1993, the two married on July 17, 1993 in Peoria and Sarah joined Rev. Benkendorf in Houston TX.
While in Houston, Rev. Benkendorf (known as "Mr. B" at the time), taught math, computer science, and theology at Lutheran High North from 1991-98. Theology was always a passion for him, but he truly fell in love with teaching theology and by 1997-98 was teaching more theology than math or computer science. During this, Sarah spent one year teaching and then entered graduate school and the business world. Sarah received her master's degree from Rice University in Computational and Applied Mathematics (1996).
In 1998, the Benkendorfs left Houston and moved to St. Louis so "Mr. B" could enter the Seminary to study theology. Originally, his intent was to get a Master of Divinity and go back into Lutheran High School education as a "pastor on campus." As so often happens, God had other plans. Rev. Benkendorf graduated in 2002 and entered the PhD program at Concordia Seminary. In 2005, Rev. Benkendorf accepted the Call to serve as part-time assistant pastor at Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Lemay Ferry. After finishing all his PhD course work and exams, Rev. Benkendorf realized he liked people MUCH more than books and writing a dissertation. He was "all but dissertation" when he decided to resign from the PhD program, and he received a Master of Sacred Theology (STM). During all this time, Sarah worked in the business world and gave birth to two beautiful daughters: Katie (February 2001) and Megan (October 2002).
In 2008, God moved Concordia Lutheran Frohna, MO to Call Rev. Benkendorf as their sole pastor. Rev. Benkendorf accepted the Call and as their pastor from June 2008 through August 2018. During his time at Concordia, Sarah spent a year telecommuting to her job in St. Louis, serving as secretary and teaching at CTLS/UCLS, and then teaching math (and the occasional OT/NT class) at Saxony Lutheran High School (which she still does). She did all of this while being the choir director and an organist at Concordia.
In August of 2018, the mission organization Lutheran Heritage Foundation Called Rev. Benkendorf to serve as Development Associate. He accepted the Call and from September 2018 to January 2021 preached, lead chapels, and spoke at meetings and shared the Gospel mission work of LHF to literally thousands of people. Making sure all people hear the Good News of Jesus has been a passion of Rev. Benkendorf since his teen years.
Yet, Rev. Benkendorf felt called back to serve in the parish. It is with great joy and excitement that Rev. Benkendorf accepted the Call to serve God's People at Hanover Lutheran Church. The last three plus years at Hanover have been a true joy for the Benkendorfs. They look forward to continuing being a part of the family of God at Hanover.
God has blessed the Benkendorfs in many, many wonderful ways. The confirmation verse that Rev. Benkendorf was given has truly proven true (as all of God's Word does!) in his life. Psalm 37:5 "Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him and He will act." To God Be the Glory and the Furthering of His Kingdom!